• Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

    17th Lyon Biennale – Les Grandes Locos

    Les Grandes Locos

    Now repurposed as a cultural venue, Grandes Locos are hosting the 17th Lyon Biennale, where the site’s history will resonate in the artists’ works, which speak of travel and movement, repair and care, collective strength, and protest.

  • Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

    The artworks gathered at macLYON create a sentimental mood and outline a map of romantic, friendly, or familial relationships, along with their rituals...

  • La Cité Internationale de la Gastronomie de Lyon – Grand Hôtel-Dieu

    Welcomed in the exhibition spaces of the Cité Internationale de la Gastronomie, located at the heart of the Hôtel-Dieu, a heritage site once dedicated to hospitality and care, built in the 15th century and rebuilt according to the plans of Jacques-Germain Soufflot during the 18th century, the artists have conceived works that reflect care and attention to others. They evoke rituals that are sometimes remembered, invented, syncretic, and cross-cultural: rites of healing, incantation, and passage.

    • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

    17th Lyon Biennale – Fondation Bullukian

    Fondation Bullukian

    Located in the city centre of Lyon, the Bullukian Foundation has its own contemporary art gallery, offering a programme of temporary exhibitions, meetings and outreach activities.

  • IAC - Institut d'art contemporain, Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes

    Ten emerging artists–five each from the regional and international scenes–have been invited to imagine a project for the 17th Lyon Biennale.

    • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

    17th Lyon Biennale – Jardin du musée des Beaux-Arts

    Jardin du Musée des Beaux-Arts

    Showcased as part of the 17th Lyon Biennale, the pieces by two artists resonate with both the history and the sculptures of the garden...

  • Musée gallo-romain de Saint-Romain-en-Gal – Département du Rhône

    As part of the 17th Lyon Biennale, paintings, drawings, photographs and sculptures by three artists are displayed alongside objects and fragments from excavations and modern models and reconstructions.

    • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

    17th Lyon Biennale – Parking LPA Saint-Antoine

    Parking LPA Saint Antoine

    On the banks of the Saône, at the water’s edge, LPA SaintAntoine is an extension of the 17th edition of the Biennale de Lyon, a place to hear the “voices of the rivers”

    • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

    17th Lyon Biennale – Station métro B – Gare Part-Dieu

    Station métro B – Gare Part-Dieu

    A place of brief encounters, sad farewells, joyful reunions, social resistance and humdrum routines, Gare Part-Dieu metro station is one of the exhibition sites for the 17th Lyon Biennale, which explores the diversity of human relationships.