La Biennale de Lyon's development is closely tied to its leading financial partners.
Biennale supporters are like any other company: they are aware of the social role they can play, while also promoting their image and enjoying benefits for their staff, clients and specifiers.
In small groups or at private evening events up to 500 guests, cultivate your relationships and offer access for your teams and customers to the latest creative output in an original and privileged setting.
Our team goes the extra mile to design a bespoke philanthropic package for you!
Become a Premier Philanthropic Partner
Support La Biennale de Lyon by associating your company with a unique event that combines global reach and strong regional roots.
Our Official Partners and Associate Partners enjoy preferential visibility and opportunities to communicate on the inclusive artistic projects of the Dance Biennale and/or the Contemporary Art Biennale. Because the two events alternate, each year their respective partners can offer personalised access to the Biennale and embed their special status over the long term. This loyalty means we can involve them at the project-design stage, and reflect together on the approach to take and the benefits they receive for their support.
Là où les vents se caressent, 2019. Courtesy de l’artiste, avec le soutien du Groupe Hasap. © Adagp
Eiffage partner evening at the Usines Fagor, 2019 Contemporary Art Lyon Biennale
Pienso que tus versos son flores que llenan tierras y tierras, 2019. Courtesy of the artist, the 2019 Lyon Biennale and Galerie Dohyang Lee, Paris
Spectator warm-up with Alessandro Sciarroni at the Opéra de Lyon, Dance Biennale 2018
Become a Philanthropic Partner of a project
Associate your business's name with a dance piece, a dance company, an artwork, an avenue of engagement (arts education, social inclusion...) or a theme (digital, youth...) that is meaningful for your business and chimes with its values.
Every year, La Biennale de Lyon invites the public to discover creations by artists or choreographers of today and tomorrow.
Beyond its artistic purpose, the Biennale contributes to community togetherness by developing innovative, exemplary grass-roots projects around social inclusion, social mixing and access to all; and, in particular, involving young people and audiences who are disconnected from culture.
Givors Mediatheque, Biennale de Lyon 2019
Gilles Jobin RV project for Groupe La Poste, Dance Biennale 2018, Théâtre des Ateliers
Pensées de Caféine, 2019
Final of the Défilé 2018, Passants of Yoann Bourgeois
Tax relief
Under France's 2003 law on philanthropy, charities and foundations, donations to La Biennale de Lyon by corporate givers are 60% tax-deductible (up to 0.5% of their turnover ex-VAT); and for individuals, the rate is 66% (up to a ceiling of €20,000 or 5‰ of the donor company's annual turnover excluding tax, whichever is higher). Under the law, the value of donations is disproportionately higher than the benefits received in return. For individuals, the value of benefits is capped at €65 whatever the donation.
Catherine Thiébeauld