Review in figures
A Biennale of new works and repertoire pieces
181 performances 48 shows 875 artists 21 new works and French premieres incl. 18 co-productions 51 venues in greater Lyon and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region 58 artistic partners
The Biennale in theatres and Immersions at Usines Fagor
47,246 spectators (excluding rebound) 86% occupancy rate
The Biennale in public space and participatory events
168,219 spectators and participants The Défilé: 150,000 spectators + 3,500 participants The shows by Marco da Silva Ferreira and Alessandro Sciarroni: 1,410 spectators Dance classes: 6,000 spectators + 1,940 participants Club Bingo at the Usines Fagor: 5,369 clubbers
The Biennale, an international event for professionals
1,200 professionals incl. 330 programmers from 50 countries 160 journalists from local, national and international outlets
The Biennale online
81,000 followers on social media 5 million people reached via social media 213,000 visitors on the Biennale website -> 1.2 million pages viewed 170,000 TV spectators for the Défilé highlights broadcast on 23 September on France 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
The Biennale’s economic impact
2,505 bed nights (for artistic teams, professionals and journalists) 23 permanent staff and 247 temporary staff during the festival
Download press kit
Press Kit - 20th Biennale de la danse - EN
Dossier de Presse - 20e Biennale de Lyon - FR
Jean-Paul Brunet - jpbrunet@labiennaledelyon.com
Laura Lamboglia - llamboglia@labiennaledelyon.com