Soirée club avec Aho Ssan, Djasra Leggo X BlckMerliin et Luky Dra.
Disclaimer notice
From 10pm onwards, Club Bingo evenings are reserved for adults only.

Associated show(s)
Usines Fagor
Ballroom originated in the trans and racialised communities, and celebrates all identities. Vinii Revlon, a voguing legend, immerses us in this flamboyant culture, and honours the bodies that fight relentlessly for their rights.
Usines Fagor
What would a Biennale de la danse be without some memorable dance parties?
The Club Bingo opens on Saturday 09 September at the Usines Fagor (Lyon 7e) and has a fiery programme in store for you on its opening day
- Clubbing
La Chaudière Dragshow
Usines Fagor
An all-round drag queen, Patricia Chaudepisse lights up Lyon's nights with her inimitable glamour and humour, and presents an extraordinary evening at the Usines Fagor.
- Clubbing
AFTER PARTY – Immersion Ballroom
Usines Fagor
To round off a 24-hour immersion in ballroom culture, queer DJs from the ballroom extend the party. After the competition, it's time to let loose: everyone meets up at Club Bingo for even more extravagance.
- Clubbing
Des Gens Cool
Usines Fagor
Between inclusive entertainment, cross-generational and irresistibly hip parties, Des Gens Cool is Club Bingo's guarantee of fun and pop culture.
- Clubbing
Vert Boucan
Usines Fagor
Vert Boucan is a collective based in Saint-Etienne that promotes open, accessible culture, from the institutional to the underground.
- Clubbing
Radio béguin
Usines Fagor
radio béguin gives a voice to those rarely heard: youth, the underground and gender minorities.