From the world of hip hop and its influence, the choreographers Bouside Ait Atmane, Iffra Dia, Linda Hayford and Saïdo Lehlouh, united under the aegis of the FAIR-E collective, respond to the invitation of the Biennale de la danse to offer a genuine and original choreographic immersion in the Usines Fagor.
Your ticket gives you access to the collective immersion and the battles from 2.30pm and then on registration from September (limited capacity), to the workshops, collective practice times and other events taking place in the morning...
The collective, which heads the National Choreography Centre (CCN) of Rennes and Brittany, advocates the act of “making” as a way of seeing the world – and as a way of appropriating its immediate environment, and where possible injecting desire, poetry, fairness, imagination, joy, commonality and sharing. The UP/DOWN/LEFT/ RIGHT/TWIST immersion asks each of us questions about how we relate to so-called “underground” cultures, practices and artistic gestures, which are viewed as marginal whereas they currently tend to be described as “mainstream”. Hip hop dances, which over four decades have seen their status change from niche “underground” artistic practices to major aesthetic trend, contain innovations based on unique modes of relationship with the audience; on values such as autodidacticism and dialogue with other aesthetic forms; on the individual-collective relationship; and on being inherently rooted in reality. In France, as in many other countries, their rapid spread has helped to diversify popular dances and to renew practices related to them. For this novel proposition, tailored to the Biennale de la danse de Lyon, the FAIR-E collective is inviting artists from multiple backgrounds. Solos, performances, a battle concept, shared dances, film screenings, graff sessions and radio conversations will generate numerous flourishes of artistry during this carte blanche event, where underground and upperground will rub shoulders. Come to immerse yourself in a moving experience. Come to observe, take part, read, listen and dance in UP/DOWN/ LEFT/RIGHT/TWIST!
À partir de 10 ans
Participatory event — 2023
The Centre chorégraphique national de Rennes et de Bretagne, directed by the FAIR-E collective, is an association subsidised by the Ministère de la Culture (Direction régionale des Affaires culturelles / Bretagne), the City of Rennes, the Région Bretagne and the Conseil départemental d'Ille-et-Vilaine

Associated show(s)
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Atelier Kogawa
Atelier DIY autour de l'art radiophoniqueUsines Fagor
Fabriquez un microémetteur radio à partir du shéma de l'artiste Tetsuo Kogawa
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Pratiques dansées collectives
Immersion hip hopUsines Fagor
Immersion hip-hop
Pratiques collectives pour toustes !