Venues and dates


Free entry

The Hôtel-Dieu museum in Belleville-en-Beaujolais will be showcasing the work of artist Kong Shengqi. Born in China, she has lived in France for the past 10 years, and completed an artist residency at Tante Martine, a space inaugurated in Paris by Yishu8 - Maison des Arts de Pékin.

Her works, carved from soft, light-coloured wood, give rise to fantastic, organic creatures with round faces and naive features, sometimes almost childlike, sometimes frightening. Her sculptures are designed to be used in invented rituals, evoking sacred objects and human or animal divinities, onto which visitors are free to project their own references and interpretations.

Musée de l'Hôtel-Dieu : 68 rue de la République, 69220 Belleville-en-Beaujolais From Tuesday to Saturday, from 10:00 AM to 12:30 AM and from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM


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