
26, place Bellecour,
69002 Lyon

The Bullukian Foundation will be closed on 31 December, 1 and 05 January.

If Napoleon Bullukian (1905-1984) did not know the Foundation that bears his name, he certainly inspired it with his audacity and humanism. Since 1985, the Bullukian Foundation has been committed and acts on a daily basis around three missions: support for contemporary creation, applied medical research and the influence of Armenia.

Located in the heart of Lyon, this foundation of general interest, recognized as being of public utility and umbrella foundation, is also an open-air contemporary art center that defends a unique approach to art.

This vast plural and modular complex of nearly 1,500 m2 hosts an ambitious program of temporary exhibitions, meetings and mediation activities, in order to encourage creation, experimentation and access to art to all audiences.

This arty and warm place, which promotes new and plural forms conducive to a culture in motion, is a must in downtown Lyon.