Cogedim belongs to Groupe Altarea, France’s leading real estate developer, and operates as a responsible, civic-minded company that is aware of its activities’ impact on society. Fostering economic development, job creation and arts development, the group aspires to be a fully-fledged general-interest partner for local authorities.
With a view to enhancing its projects and the wellbeing of residents, Cogedim devises big partnerships in tune with its convictions and with its vision for cities.
An urban entrepreneur, Cogedim backs local initiatives, and notably those conducted in greater Lyon, a strategic area for the group. As such, Cogedim is proud to be associated with the 19th Lyon Dance Biennale.
This partnership flows naturally from the actions already undertaken by the group in Lyon, and more widely in France, to promote all forms of art and thus serve its employees and customers. Cogedim encourages all initiatives to achieve a higher quality of collective living.