
Anna Massoni trained in contemporary dance at the national music and dance conservatoire (CNSMD) in Lyon, and also studied philosophy. As a performer, she has worked with Johanne Saunier and Jim Clayburgh, Yuval Pick, Noé Soulier, Vincent Weber, Simone Truong and Cindy Van Acker. She has taken part in collective creations with Simone Truong, Eilit Marom, Elpida Orfanidou and Adina Secretan, then with Vania Vaneau. She created her first solo, Notte, in 2019, followed by Pièce d’angle (2020), Rideau (2022) and the film Pièce détachée (2023). She has teamed up with Vincent Weber in the same organisation that supports their respective projects, the non-profit 33ème Parallèle. She is a founding member of LIEUES, a space for artistic and educational research in Lyon; and contributes to the graphic design of the books published by Editions Trente-trois Morceaux.