Irvin Anneix • A frame on youth
At the beginning of March, we accompanied video artist Irvin Anneix to meet young people in Lyon to produce new video clips as part of his Cher futur moi (Dear Future Me) project, which began in 2016.
A collector of teenage narratives and diaries, Irvin Anneix enriches his artistic universe through the stories that are entrusted to him. In the community of Cher futur moi, all identities and all stories have their place. For the Biennale, the camera invites itself into the intimacy of Abla, Ikhlass, and the others, each one addressing their future self, the young adult they imagine themselves to be tomorrow, by confiding their thoughts of today. These time capsules, in dialogue with others produced in Africa and the French overseas departments and territories, will be discovered in a video installation at the Usines Fagor (Fagor Factories) from June 8th to June 16th, 2021.
Also see : Discover season 2 of Cher Futur Moi

Christophe Haleb • Heart to heart with Lyon's youth
Since September 2019, the Marseillais choreographer Christophe Haleb has been working on the Lyonnais version of Entropic Now, his film and performative project with and about youth. With the dance students of the Lycée Récamier in Lyon and other young people from the Lyon metropolitan area aged between 16 and 20, Christophe Haleb is building an installation performance around the diversity of their urban physical and poetic practices, but also around their questioning, their desires, and their doubts. We welcomed them to the Usines Fagor (Fagor Factories) in January and February for two inspired and inspiring work sessions. You can discover this explosive crossroad of universes and emotions from June 8th to 16th at the Usines Fagor.
Also see : Discover photos of the rehearsals

Noé Soulier • When movement is shared
What a pleasure to watch Noé Soulier, a young choreographer who was recently appointed director of the CNDC of Angers and invited to the Biennale, transmit the revival of his piece Removing to the dancers of the Jeune Ballet of the CNSMD of Lyon!
Several rehearsals are scheduled to prepare this demanding piece. Indeed, the abstraction of Noé Soulier's theoretical work requires a great mastery of movement on the stage and a precise technical approach, which the young dancers tackle with all their listening and movement skills. The Biennale is happy to accompany this new generation of choreographers and dancers and to show you the behind-the-scenes of the re-creation, to be discovered at the Usines Fagor (Fagor Factories) on June 11th and 12th.
Also see : Discover photos of the rehearsals