Past dates
14€ - 25€ - 28€
Five dancers in a line exhaust themselves by mechanically repeating four simple yet gruelling movements. When the machine goes into overdrive, will cracks begin to appear ?
As it turns out, Les jolies choses are often far crueller than they seem. For her new piece, Catherine Gaudet starts off with four apparently simple movements to compose a score that stress-tests both the memory and the stamina of its five performers. Placed in a line that moves like the hand of a clock, the dancers, in pastel leotards and sports shoes, stick to the hellish tempo of an unfair machine: to maintain the ensemble’s harmony, those unfortunate enough to be at the ends of the line must expend twice as much effort. In her evocatively titled pieces (Grosse Fatigue, L’arnaque and Sourire forcé), the Canadian choreographer tracks down the unconscious bodily micro-movements that betray what we all seek to conceal behind the mask of social convention. This time, exhaustion is the catalyst: sweat beads gather and the varnish crackles, through to the cathartic explosion.
In Rhone-Alpes region
- Artiste
Piece for 5 performers – 2022
Dance company Catherine Gaudet Art direction Catherine Gaudet Performers Stacey Désilier, Caroline Gravel, Lauren Semeschuk, James Phillips, Dany Desjardins Music Antoine Berthiaume Stage design Catherine Gaudet Artistic collaboration & outside look Sophie Michaud Costume design Marilène Bastien Light design Hugo Dalphond
Coproduction Festival TransAmériques, Agora de la danse, Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen, Art direction Alban Richard, as part of l’Accueil-studio, Réseau CanDance (Toronto), Centre national des Arts (Ottawa), Harbourfront Center (Toronto), DLD dir. Art. Frédérick Gravel With support from DLD dir. Art. Frédérick Gravel
Co-hosted with the Théâtre de la Croix-Rousse
With support from la Délégation Générale du Gouvernement du Québec à Paris

Associated show(s)
- Autour des spectacles
Post-show chat – Catherine Gaudet - Les jolies choses
Théâtre de la Croix-Rousse
Post-show chat with the artists