Past dates
Opening hours
Every days 9AM - 7PM -
Full price: €8 Pupil, student, RSA beneficiary, job-seeker: €4 Children under 12 with proof of age: free. Groups of 12 or more: €7
Based on Alexia Fabre's "connivance with the local territory", Jean-Claude MILLET drew on the concept of a standard horticultural greenhouse, created by Bresse-based visual artist Joël Paubel, to present a greenhouse for growing virtual plants.
Jean-Claude MILLET places his visual work under the aegis of aesthetics.
Beyond the beautiful, there is the good, i.e. what is good for the whole of what the life of an individual or a group refers to; I mean the living at whatever degree of evolution it refers to and the non-living in its potentiality.
Aesthetics requires a multi-disciplinary approach, so that the artist's own sensibility is enriched by an encounter with the sciences (hard and soft), and so that the resulting productions of the mind have an impact on as many people as possible.
He is a member of the Académie des technologies.
The greenhouse for growing virtual plants was born of the idea that man has made a mess of the earth. He should reverse the trend by taking an interest in Life, which deserves to be sacralized first.
Virtual plants are to traditional plants what you get by classifying life invariants and values representative of the human, in the manner of Linnaeus.
Any form of collective organization based on competition is doomed to perpetuate confrontations at the end of which lives are lost and resources of all kinds are wasted.
It would be wiser to cultivate altruism, sharing and cooperation, all kinds of virtual plant cultivars designed to conquer inner territories.
All audiences
In Rhone-Alpes region

Event(s) around the project
- Résonance
Secular chapels/oratories
Just as the Neolithic stonemason's skill (hands), sensitivity (beauty) and intelligence (use) revealed his work, so Jean-Claude MILLET's installations in the rock of liberty create an arrow of knowledge, in the name of liberty-equality-fraternity.
Jean-Claude MILLET's mastery of combinatorial techniques enables him to approach many disciplines from a creative angle. He has experimented with what he calls lexical genetics. He created the word "Liberté-Égalité-Fraternité" in the form of a performance.