Venues and dates

  • Aponia Lieu d'Art Contemporain


    • From

    Opening hours

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Closed Friday, Saturday, Sunday 3PM - 6PM


Free entry

For Aponia lieu d'art contemporain, the curators Jean-Claude Guerrero and Alain-Christian Barret conceived a mirror-exhibition combining the latest productions of the artist Jean-Christophe De Clerq with artworks from his own collection (among which Tony Cragg, Henri Michaux, Günther Förg, Ron Arad, Antoni Tàpies, Sébasiten Maloberti...) along with anonymous authors of ethnographic images, scientists from the last centuries, and from territories both close and far, familiar and unknown.

"Conversations" does not try to disolve cultural differences but brings us to analyse the construction methods of a relationship with the other, to understand the feelings generated sometimes by a disturbing proximity, sometimes by a salutary distance.

Visits possible outside opening hours with an appointment by phone +33620493690.


All audience

In Rhone-Alpes region

Le Monastier-sur-Gazeille


Event(s) around the project