Past dates


Access with an entrance ticket

Meeting with the artist Camille Boileau and discovery of his silkscreen work on the themes of ornament and minerals

Come and meet the artist Camille Boileau and discover his silkscreen work on the themes of ornament and minerals during privileged discussion times on Saturday November 19, Saturday December 3, Saturday December 10 and Wednesday December 21, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.!

How can the artist and the artisan printer re-enchant our relationship with images?
printed? How to celebrate the poetics of their factory? How does this intermediate space and collaboration so valuable?
Olivier Bral, screen printer and Camille Boileau, image designer, will try to answer modestly to these issues through the presentation of a work carried out within the framework of the residency La Fabrique at the Museum of Printing and Graphic Communication.

It is more particularly a series of original prints, enhanced with preparatory research, thought of as a real play space. Indeed, Camille and Olivier oscillate between the possibilities and the constraints inherent in the screen printing technique. Thus the duo transposes the pictorial gestures of Camille with the printing process diverted to the field of prints.

Initially inspired by the mineral character of the rocks, the desire for subtleties, nuances and finesse motivated these productions - in terms of frames, colors and their reflections - in the image of the theme Jewel/Jewellery.


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