
Born 1987 in Casablanca, Morocco.
Lives and works in Paris, France

In the series Les Intruses, Randa Maroufi reverses gender roles, for the duration of a shoot, by placing women in sites usually frequented by men. Based on a sociological study of various experiences, observations and testimonies, her work questions the mechanisms by which public space is shared between genders.


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  • manifesto of fragility

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  • manifesto of fragility

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Usines Fagor

  • manifesto of fragility

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Usines Fagor

  • manifesto of fragility

Lucia TallováMountain, 2022

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  • manifesto of fragility

Cemile SahinDrone Valley, 2022

Usines Fagor

  • manifesto of fragility

Collection du Musée des Moulages

Usines Fagor